For some reason i forgot to save the file in my editor, leading to the code not working. Luckily i looked through the changed files on github again and i found this. This is what happens if you don't care to actually test your code for once
Due to some more lack of testing i totall missed that my earlier fix did not work. This is now really fixed. (i should not write code when tired.)
Up until now the agnoster theme with enabled inline git branch display did not work properly for bare repos.
This was caused by `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` returning empty string for bare repos. In that case it now uses the git directory as root.
Your bare repo should be displayed properly (although you usually won't really navigate through a bare git repo, this is nice to have.
The agnoster theme now supports:
* Setting color for all kinds of elements, by setting an appropiate config variable to the color name in your zshrc
Example: AGNOSTER_GIT_DIRTY_BG=red # Set the git prompt background color to red for dirty repos
* Allowing to separate the git root and the relative path in your prompt by setting AGNOSTER_GIT_INLINE to 'true'
You will then have a segment for the git root (ie. ~/.oh-my-zsh) followed by the existing git branch segment (ie. master) and
finally the relative directory path (ie. themes)
* By setting AGNOSTER_STATUS_RETVAL_NUMERIC to 'true', The return value in the status prompt will become a number instead of a cross.
The git_prompt_info() function in lib/git.zsh ignores git repos which
contains a specific config key, allowing to effectively "hide" them from
the prompt. Unfortunately, the bureau theme doesn't use the library
function to build its prompt.
This commit modifies the specific prompt generation function in the
bureau theme in order to achieve the same behaviour.
Turns out that <U+F8FF> is a reserved unicode code that is Apple logo in
Apple systems.
Nerd fonts was overwritting that code to other stuff in v2 and that's
why I thought it needed to be replaced.
This reverts commit 693e3dcc44.