This commit fixes the runtime error that says:
prompt_status:2: symbols: attempt to assign array value to non-array
It trips over a local array which is not properly declared.
This PR fixes the runtime error that displays this:
prompt_status:2: symbols: attempt to assign array value to non-array
It trips over a local array which is not properly declared.
* theme/fino: Check rvm-prompt is installed before to try to use it
Signed-off-by: Nick Diego Yamane <>
* theme/fino-time: Check rvm-prompt is installed before to try to use it
Signed-off-by: Nick Diego Yamane <>
Checking if the terminal supports 256 colors is better suited for
our purpose. Checking if `$DISPLAY` is set doesn't tell us if our
colors will be displayed correctly.
* agnoster: do not hardcode black foreground.
This would allow easy customization when using light color schemes, like
* agnoster: implement light theme variant
Use same variable as in blinks theme, to detect if solarized theme used
is a light or dark one.
The PROMPT building method clashes with other themes and
plugins that modify the PROMPT variable.
Also reverted the $jobstates trick due to it not working
inside $PROMPT.
* agnoster: improve perf with use of $jobstates (zsh/parameter module)
This saves multiple fork/execs (for the subshell and wc) each
time the prompt is rendered
* agnoster: compute git repo_path only when in a git repo
this avoids needlessly invoking git twice every time we render the prompt
* agnoster: avoid subshell when rendering prompt
Rather than forking a subshell to print the prompt, construct it
incrementally by appending to $PROMPT.
v2: fix incorrect CURRENT_BG
v3: fix bzr and hg prompting
Thanks @mcornella for the help.
* Make steef much faster by not printing all history each time
* Use whence -c to expand shell functions as well
* Use $2 (expanded command about to be ran)
* [rkj-repos] Make `hg prompt` check less strict
Move the `hg prompt` check inside the hg_prompt_info function so that
it returns an empty string if hg-prompt isn't installed.
* [rkj-repos] Check for hg in `hg prompt` function
The whitespace in line 13 creates a double whitespace when combined with line 24. Therefore 2 whitespaces appear between ${user_host} and ${current_dir}.
Plugin command-not-found on Arch Linux returns 0 if git or bzr is found in repos, hence outputting unwanted pkgfile output.
Checking if the commands exist first fixes all such issues.