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#compdef ag
typeset -A opt_args
# Took the liberty of not listing every option… specially aliases and -D
_ag () {
local -a _1st_arguments
'--ackmate:Print results in AckMate-parseable format'
{'-A','--after'}':[LINES] Print lines after match (Default: 2)'
{'-B','--before'}':[LINES] Print lines before match (Default: 2)'
'--break:Print newlines between matches in different files'
'--nobreak:Do not print newlines between matches in different files'
{'-c','--count'}':Only print the number of matches in each file'
'--color:Print color codes in results (Default: On)'
'--nocolor:Do not print color codes in results'
'--color-line-number:Color codes for line numbers (Default: 1;33)'
'--color-match:Color codes for result match numbers (Default: 30;43)'
'--color-path:Color codes for path names (Default: 1;32)'
'--column:Print column numbers in results'
{'-H','--heading'}':Print file names (On unless searching a single file)'
'--noheading:Do not print file names (On unless searching a single file)'
'--line-numbers:Print line numbers even for streams'
{'-C','--context'}':[LINES] Print lines before and after matches (Default: 2)'
'-g:[PATTERN] Print filenames matching PATTERN'
{'-l','--files-with-matches'}':Only print filenames that contain matches'
{'-L','--files-without-matches'}':Only print filenames that do not contain matches'
'--no-numbers:Do not print line numbers'
{'-o','--only-matching'}':Prints only the matching part of the lines'
'--print-long-lines:Print matches on very long lines (Default: 2k characters)'
'--passthrough:When searching a stream, print all lines even if they do not match'
'--silent:Suppress all log messages, including errors'
'--stats:Print stats (files scanned, time taken, etc.)'
'--vimgrep:Print results like vim :vimgrep /pattern/g would'
{'-0','--null'}':Separate filenames with null (for "xargs -0")'
{'-a','--all-types'}':Search all files (does not include hidden files / .gitignore)'
'--depth:[NUM] Search up to NUM directories deep (Default: 25)'
{'-f','--follow'}':Follow symlinks'
{'-G','--file-search-regex'}':[PATTERN] Limit search to filenames matching PATTERN'
'--hidden:Search hidden files (obeys .*ignore files)'
{'-i','--ignore-case'}':Match case insensitively'
'--ignore:[PATTERN] Ignore files/directories matching PATTERN'
{'-m','--max-count'}':[NUM] Skip the rest of a file after NUM matches (Default: 10k)'
{'-p','--path-to-agignore'}':[PATH] Use .agignore file at PATH'
{'-Q','--literal'}':Do not parse PATTERN as a regular expression'
{'-s','--case-sensitive'}':Match case'
{'-S','--smart-case'}':Insensitive match unless PATTERN has uppercase (Default: On)'
'--search-binary:Search binary files for matches'
{'-t','--all-text'}':Search all text files (Hidden files not included)'
{'-u','--unrestricted'}':Search all files (ignore .agignore and _all_)'
{'-U','--skip-vcs-ignores'}':Ignore VCS files (stil obey .agignore)'
{'-v','--invert-match'}':Invert match'
{'-w','--word-regexp'}':Only match whole words'
{'-z','--search-zip'}':Search contents of compressed (e.g., gzip) files'
'--list-file-types:list of supported file types'
if [[ $words[-1] =~ "^-" ]]; then
_describe -t commands "ag options" _1st_arguments && ret=0
_files && ret=0