| scw_upgrade | Update your Scaleway CLI version if needed. |
| sgp | Displays the current Scaleway profile. |
| ssp <profilename> | Sets the Scaleway profile. If no profile name is provided, fallback to the curent active profile set in your configuration file. |
| scw_profiles | Displays a list of available Scaleway profiles. |
| scw_config_path | Returns the path to the Scaleway CLI configuration file (config.yaml). |
In addition to setting the `SCW_PROFILE` environment variable, `ssp` also sets
the following variables: `SCW_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_ID`,
| SHOW_SCW_PROMPT | Controls whether to display the Scaleway profile information in the shell prompt. Set this variable to false if you don't want to show the profile information. |
| ZSH_THEME_SCW_PROFILE_PREFIX | sets the prompt prefix. Defaults to `<scw:` |
| ZSH_THEME_SCW_PROFILE_SUFFIX | Set the prompt suffix. Default to `>` |