#! /usr/bin/env bash # check command avalibility has_command() { "$1" -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 } if [ ! "$(which xcursorgen 2> /dev/null)" ]; then echo xorg-xcursorgen needs to be installed to generate the cursors. if has_command zypper; then sudo zypper in xorg-xcursorgen elif has_command apt; then sudo apt install xorg-xcursorgen elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install -y xorg-xcursorgen elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install xorg-xcursorgen elif has_command pacman; then sudo pacman -S --noconfirm xorg-xcursorgen fi fi if [ ! "$(which inkscape 2> /dev/null)" ]; then echo inkscape needs to be installed to generate the cursors. if has_command zypper; then sudo zypper in inkscape elif has_command apt; then sudo apt install inkscape elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install -y inkscape elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install inkscape elif has_command pacman; then sudo pacman -S --noconfirm inkscape fi fi function create { cd "$SRC" mkdir -p x1 x1_25 x1_5 x2 cd "$SRC"/$1 find . -name "*.svg" -type f -exec sh -c 'inkscape -o "../x1/${0%.svg}.png" -w 32 -h 32 $0' {} \; find . -name "*.svg" -type f -exec sh -c 'inkscape -o "../x1_25/${0%.svg}.png" -w 40 -w 40 $0' {} \; find . -name "*.svg" -type f -exec sh -c 'inkscape -o "../x1_5/${0%.svg}.png" -w 48 -w 48 $0' {} \; find . -name "*.svg" -type f -exec sh -c 'inkscape -o "../x2/${0%.svg}.png" -w 64 -w 64 $0' {} \; cd $SRC # generate cursors BUILD="$SRC"/../dist OUTPUT="$BUILD"/cursors ALIASES="$SRC"/cursorList if [ ! -d "$BUILD" ]; then mkdir "$BUILD" fi if [ ! -d "$OUTPUT" ]; then mkdir "$OUTPUT" fi echo -ne "Generating cursor theme...\\r" for CUR in config/*.cursor; do BASENAME="$CUR" BASENAME="${BASENAME##*/}" BASENAME="${BASENAME%.*}" xcursorgen "$CUR" "$OUTPUT/$BASENAME" done echo -e "Generating cursor theme... DONE" cd "$OUTPUT" #generate aliases echo -ne "Generating shortcuts...\\r" while read ALIAS; do FROM="${ALIAS#* }" TO="${ALIAS% *}" if [ -e $TO ]; then continue fi ln -sr "$FROM" "$TO" done < "$ALIASES" echo -e "Generating shortcuts... DONE" cd "$PWD" echo -ne "Generating Theme Index...\\r" INDEX="$OUTPUT/../index.theme" if [ ! -e "$OUTPUT/../$INDEX" ]; then touch "$INDEX" echo -e "[Icon Theme]\nName=$THEME\n" > "$INDEX" fi echo -e "Generating Theme Index... DONE" } # generate pixmaps from svg source SRC=$PWD/src THEME="WhiteSur Cursors" create svg