import org.kde.breeze.components import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 as QQC2 import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras import org.kde.kirigami 2.20 as Kirigami import org.kde.plasma.plasma5support 2.0 as PlasmaCore SessionManagementScreen { id: root property Item mainPasswordBox: passwordBox property bool showUsernamePrompt: !showUserList property int usernameFontSize property int fontSize: parseInt(config.fontSize) property string usernameFontColor property string lastUserName property bool loginScreenUiVisible: false property bool passwordFieldOutlined: config.PasswordFieldOutlined == "true" property bool hidePasswordRevealIcon: config.HidePasswordRevealIcon == "false" property int visibleBoundary: mapFromItem(loginButton, 0, 0).y onHeightChanged: visibleBoundary = mapFromItem(loginButton, 0, 0).y + loginButton.height + Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing signal loginRequest(string username, string password) onShowUsernamePromptChanged: { if (!showUsernamePrompt) { lastUserName = "" } } onUserSelected: { // Don't startLogin() here, because the signal is connected to the // Escape key as well, for which it wouldn't make sense to trigger // login. focusFirstVisibleFormControl(); } QQC2.StackView.onActivating: { // Controls are not visible yet. Qt.callLater(focusFirstVisibleFormControl); } function focusFirstVisibleFormControl() { const nextControl = (userNameInput.visible ? userNameInput : (passwordBox.visible ? passwordBox : loginButton)); // Using TabFocusReason, so that the loginButton gets the visual highlight. nextControl.forceActiveFocus(Qt.TabFocusReason); } /* * Login has been requested with the following username and password * If username field is visible, it will be taken from that, otherwise from the "name" property of the currentIndex */ function startLogin() { const username = showUsernamePrompt ? userNameInput.text : userList.selectedUser const password = passwordBox.text footer.enabled = false mainStack.enabled = false userListComponent.userList.opacity = 0.5 // This is partly because it looks nicer, but more importantly it // works round a Qt bug that can trigger if the app is closed with a // TextField focused. // // See loginButton.forceActiveFocus(); loginRequest(username, password); } Input { id: userNameInput Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: 30 font.pointSize: fontSize + 1 opacity: passwordFieldOutlined ? 1.0 : 0.75 text: lastUserName visible: showUsernamePrompt focus: showUsernamePrompt && !lastUserName //if there's a username prompt it gets focus first, otherwise password does placeholderText: i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Username") placeholderTextColor: passwordFieldOutlined ? "white" : "white" color: "white" //horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter leftPadding: fontSize rightPadding: leftPadding } Input { id: passwordBox Layout.fillWidth: true font.pointSize: fontSize + 1 Layout.preferredHeight: 30 opacity: passwordFieldOutlined ? 1.0 : 0.75 config.Font || "Noto Sans" placeholderText: config.PasswordFieldPlaceholderText == "Password" ? i18nd("plasma_lookandfeel_org.kde.lookandfeel", "Password") : config.PasswordFieldPlaceholderText focus: !showUsernamePrompt || lastUserName echoMode: TextInput.Password onAccepted: startLogin() placeholderTextColor: passwordFieldOutlined ? "white" : "white" passwordCharacter: config.PasswordFieldCharacter == "" ? "●" : config.PasswordFieldCharacter color: "white" //horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter leftPadding: fontSize rightPadding: leftPadding Keys.onEscapePressed: { mainStack.currentItem.forceActiveFocus(); } Keys.onPressed: { if (event.key == Qt.Key_Left && !text) { userList.decrementCurrentIndex(); event.accepted = true } if (event.key == Qt.Key_Right && !text) { userList.incrementCurrentIndex(); event.accepted = true } } Keys.onReleased: { if (loginButton.opacity == 0 && length > 0) { showLoginButton.start() } if (loginButton.opacity > 0 && length == 0) { hideLoginButton.start() } } Connections { target: sddm onLoginFailed: { passwordBox.selectAll() passwordBox.forceActiveFocus() } } } Image { id: loginButton source: "assets/login.svgz" smooth: true sourceSize: Qt.size(passwordBox.height, passwordBox.height) anchors { left: passwordBox.right verticalCenter: passwordBox.verticalCenter } anchors.leftMargin: 8 visible: opacity > 0 opacity: 0 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: startLogin(); } PropertyAnimation { id: showLoginButton target: loginButton properties: "opacity" to: 0.75 duration: 100 } PropertyAnimation { id: hideLoginButton target: loginButton properties: "opacity" to: 0 duration: 80 } } }